Wednesday, 15 March 2017

WWW Wednesday

 WWW Wednesday, hosted by Taking on a World of Words is a weekly meme showcasing what you are currently reading, what you just finished reading, and what you plan to start reading next.

What I'm Currently Reading

Image result for sweet pea cj skuse   Image result for the rosie project
The Rosie Project - I'm listening to this one on audiobook. It's quirky and cute. Not my favourite but I'm enjoying it all the same.

Sweetpea - I am loving this book so far! It's dark and twisty and funny and disturbingly relateable (minus the whole killing people part...)

What I recently finished:

 Image result for girl of nightmares

You can find my review of Career of Evil here
Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake (review coming soon)

What I'm reading next:

I've just been approved for The Upside of Unrequited on Netgalley and I am so excited to get started on it!

I'm always looking for a recommendation for my next audiobook, so if you've got any suggestions please let me know in the comments!


  1. So jealous that you managed to get The Upside of Unrequited! I wanted to request it so badly, but I'm already a bit over my head with review copies right now so I'm trying to be good, haha. I hope you'll enjoy it :)

  2. Thanks! I'm so excited. I have quite a few review books too, I requested a bunch and got approved for more than I thought I would!

  3. Haha, The Rosie Project was what inspired my blog name!
    I'm adding these to my reading list, thank you - I've been looking for some inspiration!
    Audiobooks-wise... I was given the Harry Potter books on cassette tape when i was 12+ (as they came out) and 16 years later...It's the only way i can get to sleep! I also love the audiobooks of The Martian :)

    1. Haha how funny!! I just finished The Rosie Project yesterday, I loved the ending. I'd never heard of it before and just randomly found it while I was browsing through the library looking for a new audiobook. I've just had the last audiobook from The Selection series come through, so I'm planning to devour that this week. Then I may have to check out The Martian. My wife is collecting the Harry Potter audiobooks one monthly Audible credit at a time. :)

      Definitely add Sweetpea to your list, it comes out next month and I'm absolutely loving it!

    2. Ha yes, i swapped to the cd versions and then put them on my computer and now on iPod - Stephen Fry's voice just sends me to sleep, it's great!
      Added to the list, can't wait for it to come out!
